Insightful Mind Initiative

The Insightful Mind Initiative is working to enhance the law school experience by helping students establish wellness practices which can lead to greater academic and professional success.  

IMI is bringing ancient wisdom to the professional environment in a revolutionary way.  By making mindful practices accessible to all types of personalities, law students at UM can benefit from mental clarity and emotional and physical wellness that can be achieved through a few simple practices (such as awareness of the present moment and deep breathing). 

IMI is a part of University of Miami's Mindfulness in Law Program, the Institute for Mindful Studies, and is also supported by the Dade County Bar Association's Mindfulness in Law Task Force.  

We hope that you will join us on this journey towards holistic success! Please contact us with any questions or suggestions!

Category: Diversity/Affinity Groups

Officers: Catherine Adams, President 


Faculty Advisor: Professor Scott Rogers

External Links:

Constitution: Insightful Mind Initiative Constitution