Grades and GPA Overview

1L Grade Distribution

Core Classes

Students in first-year courses (other than second semester elective courses) are graded in accordance with the following grade distribution:

  • The combined total number of B+ and A grades awarded in each course shall equal or exceed 20 percent of the number of students graded in that course; and
  • The combined total number of B, B+, and A grades awarded in each course shall equal or exceed 45 percent of the number of students graded in that course.
  • The sum of C-, D, and F grades in first-year courses shall not be less than 5 percent nor more than 15 percent of the number of students graded in that course (subject to waiver for a particular course in unusual circumstances by vote of the Faculty or by the Dean prior to the submission of grades).

There is no Upper Level Grade Distribution

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  • GPA (Grade Point Average)

    Students will receive a GPA for the fall semester of the first year. In future semesters, students will receive both a GPA for that current semester and a cumulative GPA for their law school career.

    Any grade awarded before June 2011 is recorded according to the following system:

    A 4.00
    F 0.00

    As of Summer, 2011 and subsequently, the following system applies:

    A 4.00
    F 0.00

  • How To Calculate Law School GPA

    Calculate Overall GPA

    • In top row, enter the total number of "Credits Attempted" you have completed and your most recent GPA.
    • Next, enter the number of credits each for your current semester's classes (1-5).
    • Enter the letter grade you think you will receive or the grade you have received for each class.
    • Press "Enter", "Tab" or click the "Recalculate" button. Your semester credits and GPA will be calculated in the bottom row.
    • If you are entering previously incomplete grades from a term before Summer 2011 check the "Use Old Scale" box.

    Click Here to Calculate Your Semester GPA


The School of Law has a limited honors-pass-fail grading program.


To obtain a grade of “Pass” under this program, a student must earn a grade of “C” or higher; students who earn a “C-” or below will receive the letter grade for that class, regardless of pass/fail designation.


To receive a grade of "Honors" under this program, a student must earn a grade of "A." Students awarded honors designations will receive a 4.0 in the applicable courses for purposes of calculating their grade point averages.

Accordion Group

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  • How to earn an Honors-Pass-Fail credit:

    • Second-year and third-year students may take those courses designated by the faculty as exclusively pass-fail courses, or honors-pass-fail courses. Such courses do not count against the limit outlined below, but students should be aware that having more than 25 percent of all courses without traditional letter grades will render them ineligible for Order of the Coif.
    • With respect to all other courses, each faculty member shall designate in advance of the release of the course schedule to students whether a particular course is eligible for the elective honors-pass-fail grading program.
    • Students have until the end of the eighth week of classes to register to take a course on an honors-pass-fail basis. For summer session, students must register by the first business day following the completion of the second week of classes.
    • Registration to take a course for honors-pass-fail credits is irreversible once the periods specified in this paragraph have passed.
    • Course credits earned by students for courses taken at other law schools, (whether in summer sessions or during the year), are recorded as pass-fail credits by the University of Miami School of Law, for purposes of GPA calculations. However, the grade actually earned will appear on the University of Miami transcript. A student must have earned a grade of "C" or better, or its equivalent at the other institution, to transfer such credits.

    How many classes can one elect to take as "Honors-Pass-Fail"?
    Students may elect to take up to two courses, regardless of the number of credits the courses are worth, on an honors-pass-fail basis in graded courses.

    Should a student choose to use the honors-pass-fail option?
    It is strongly recommended that students do not exercise the honors-pass-fail option during the last semester of study, as a low or failing grade may adversely affect one's graduation, the final grade-point average, or the award of honors.

    Mandatory Honors-Pass-Fail for Designated Courses
    Select courses at the School of Law are graded only on a system of Honors-Pass-Fail. These courses are not covered by the limitation on the number of Honors-Pass-Fail courses set out above nor are they subject to election by the student. Some classes in this category are:

    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Litigation Skills I and II
