Miami Law International Arbitration Society

Miami Law International Arbitration Society founded in 2018 and is affiliated with International Arbitration Institute at the University of Miami School of Law. It is a non-profit association of students and lawyers who are dedicated to the promotion of international arbitration. MLIAS developed with the purpose of bringing together Miami Law School students, professors, alumni, and arbitration practitioners interested in the study, practice, and development of International Arbitration as an individual discipline for many purposes, including: (i) to promote integration among its members; (ii) to exchange information and experiences about legal issues involving international arbitration; (iii) to organize academic events; (iv) to establish contacts with law firms, business organizations, and governmental and nongovernmental agencies and organizations; (v) to organize social events; and (vi) to assist incoming new students.
Category: Legal Practice Area

Officers:                  , President


Faculty Advisor: Sandra Friedrich

Bylaws: MIASA Bylaws

Constitution: MIASA Constitution

