Failure to Take a Final Exam

Unexcused Failure to Take Exam

A student will receive a failing grade in any course in which the student fails to take the final examination without being previously excused.

Illness or Emergency Before Exam

A student who is ill or has an emergency prior to the beginning of a final examination must notify the Dean of Students prior to the start of an examination, provide supporting documentary or other evidence, and request to be excused. If the student is excused, the student will receive an Incomplete ("I") if he or she does not take the exam. However, a student who is excused from an examination but decides nonetheless to begin or continue the examination is precluded thereafter from receiving an Incomplete ("I") in the course on the ground that a failing or low grade was caused by physical or emotional illness or other emergency.

Illness or Emergency During Exam

A student who becomes ill or has an emergency during an examination and is unable to continue should immediately notify the examination proctor and the Dean of Students, and request to be excused. All cases caused by medical emergency must be documented by competent medical personnel in writing or in a direct telephone conversation between the physician and the Dean of Students. If the student is excused, and does not in fact complete the exam, the student will receive an Incomplete ("I").

Excuse After Exam

A student who requests to be excused after failure to take an examination must submit a written request to the Dean of Students. Approval will be granted only in unusual circumstances for compelling reasons that justify failure to request in advance that the examination be rescheduled. Such reasons include serious personal illness requiring the care of a physician and death or serious illness in the student's immediate family or household, such that a request to be excused prior to the exam could not have been submitted. A student who is excused from an examination will be given a grade of "I" (Incomplete).
