Exam Accommodations

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who require special accommodations for their examinations should meet with the Director of Student Access, Inclusion, and Engagement early in the semester to discuss which examinations will require such accommodations. The Office of Disability Services will individually address exam concerns for students with disabilities receiving accommodations, including the accommodations plan and scheduling of the exams. For more information please email disabilityservices@law.miami.edu

LL.M. Students and International Semester Exchange Students

In proctored final examinations or timed and graded assessments of more than two hours in length, an LL.M. or International Semester Exchange student may bring a translation dictionary and will be given one additional hour to complete the exam, if:

  • English is not the student's native language; and
  • The student does not have a J.D. or equivalent degree, a bachelor's or equivalent degree, or a graduate degree, from a university in the United States or other English-speaking country.

In final examinations or timed and graded assessments of two hours or less, the same rules apply, except that the additional time will be one-half hour. Eligible LL.M. students will receive extra time throughout their LL.M. program and eligible students who transition from the LL.M. to the J.D. program are allowed extra time, one semester, into the J.D. program.
