Booklist and First Class Assignments

The booklist on this website is compiled based upon information received by the faculty member teaching the respective courses. This booklist is submitted by the law school to the UM Bookstore and Book Horizons at the beginning of each semester. In some instances, it is possible that the UM Bookstore and/or Book Horizons is selling a different edition of a book than the one your professor requires you to have for class. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are purchasing the correct title and edition of each book. 


Students can choose to view the booklist for all courses being taught at Miami Law, or the booklist for just the courses he/she is currently enrolled in.

  • Students should visit CourseLink (see "Course Book(s)" on top right-hand corner) to view the booklist for all courses being taught.
  • Students can view the booklist for only courses he/she is currently enrolled in by logging into StudentLink. Students will be prompted to enter their CaneLink login information in order to access StudentLink.

First Class Assignments

Students can choose to view the First Class Assignments for all courses being taught at Miami Law, or the First Class Assignments for just the courses he/she is currently enrolled in.

  • Students should visit CourseLink (see "Class Assignment(s)" on top right-hand corner) to view the first class assignments for all courses being taught.
  • Students can view the first class assignments for only courses he/she is currently enrolled in by logging into StudentLink. Students will be prompted to enter their CaneLink login information in order to access StudentLink.
